Racing Extinction Film Screening and Q&A

By ANCoRS (other events)

Monday, November 23 2015 6:30 PM 9:00 PM EST

Mass animal extinction. Global climate change. The problems are overwhealming. But the solutions can start with you.

Utilizing state-of-the-art equipment, Oscar®-winner Louie Psihoyos (The Cove) assembles a team of artists and activists intent on showing the world never-before-seen images that expose issues of endangered species and mass extinction.

Special chance to see this film and meet the director, one week before its global release. Discovery premieres Academy Award-Winner Louie Psihoyos’s Racing Extinction in more than 220 countries and territories around the world. 


Louie Psihoyos, Film Director
Michael Gerrard, Director of Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
Josh Fisher, AC4 Director

Event organizers and hosts include AC4 staff, Columbia Environmental Law Society and Columbia Association for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Students.

The Association of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Students (ANCoRS):